Information in english

Nok. Elverum is a multidisciplinary, free-of-charge and low-threshold service for anyone over 16 years old, who is a survivor of sexual assault. We can also provide services for relatives or other important -support-persons around the survivor. The centre is also a professional resource providing guidance and education for  teachers, healthcare personnel and other professionals on matters relating to sexual assault.

We cannot take the pain away but we can help you identify ways in which to live with it. Through compassion, patience, generosity and professionalism, we can help you work through what happened and help you sort through the challenges.

All users of the centre will be treated respectfully and as equals. We strive to be available to anyone who requires advice, guidance or support.

If you want to learn more about the centre, please call or send us an e-mail. We have a duty of confidentiality. Facilitation, interpreters and other customised services are also available.


Nok. Elverum – Ressurssenter mot seksuelle overgrep
Adress: Storgata 10, 2408 Elverum, 3.etg



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Nok. sin virksomhet er regulert i rundskriv fra Bufdir. I tillegg inngår vi i et faglig samarbeid med andre Nok.- sentre over hele landet. Nok.-paraplyen samler sentrene om en felles faglig plattform og etiske retningslinjer for å sikre høy faglig kvalitet og et likeverdig tilbud uavhengig av hvor i landet du bor.



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